When will I receive my certificate/pin after I pass the exam?
New certificates are sent out the next Wednesday after a certification exam is passed. They are sent from our Chicago office and will arrive at the speed of the USPS.
When will I receive my renewed certificate?
Renewed certificates follow the same time frame as new certificates.
What should I do if I haven't received my certificate/pin?
Certificates and pins are mailed in the beginning of the month following approval. Please wait at least two weeks from the date your certificate/pin for arrival. If it hasn't arrived by the 21st day, reach out to the Certification Center at certification@aha.org or 312-422-3702. We verify that the address on file is correct and send a new certificate and/or pin.
What if I live outside the United States?
The AHA Certification Center provides PDF copies for certificate recipients with addresses outside the United States. Requests for a hard copy should be made to the Certification Center at certification@aha.org or 312-422-3702.
How can I get a replacement certificate or pin?
Please fill out this form. It should be mailed or faxed per the instructions on the document. Unfortunately, submitting this form via email is NOT accepted to ensure credit card security.
How can I get a copy of the certification logo for business cards or stationary?
Please fill out this form. It should be mailed or faxed per the instructions on the document. Unfortunately, submitting this form via email is NOT accepted to ensure credit card security.