Different events have different requirements for payment. Although some require credit card payment at the time of registration, most allow you to pay with credit card or check.
Payment Due Date: Regardless of the the payment method, payment is required before the event.
Invoice: After registering for an event, you will receive a confirmation email. That email contains a link to download and print your invoice.
Credit Card
To pay via credit card, enter your credit card information on the last page of the registration form. If you would like to pay via credit card at a later date, you may select the "check" payment option (if available), and then call to make a credit card payment over the phone. The number to call can be found on the event registration page for that particular event.
To pay via check, select the "check" payment option (if available). After completing the registration form, you will receive a confirmation email containing a link to your invoice. The invoice includes mailing instructions for your check.