Based on the domain name of your email, you may see a suggested organization as a match for your employer. If you do not, or if that organization listed is not correct, try searching for your organization by its zip code. If you work for a health system that has many email domains across its hospitals, try searching by the zip code of the system’s headquarters.
For more instructions on creating an account, see this article: Creating an Account
What if I still cannot find my organization?
AHA’s database of organizations is primarily focused on hospitals and health systems. If you do not work for a hospital or health system, your employing organization may not be displayed as a possible affiliation. If your employer's record is not found, click “Continue with no organization affiliation.” You will be able to manually enter an organization name in the next step.
If you continue with no organizational affiliation, a warning message reads, “Continuing with no organization affiliation may limit your access to organizational member benefits.” If your organization is an AHA member hospital or health system, and you choose not to link to that record during this step when you create your account, you will not be conferred organizational member benefits such as access to AHA members-only resources.
To check if your organization is an AHA member, see this article: How do I know if my hospital or health system is an AHA member?