There are two types of membership with the American Hospital Association: institutional and individual. Hospitals and health systems pay annual dues for institutional membership. More information can be found here.
Individual Membership
This type of membership is for individuals who have joined one of AHA’s Professional Membership Groups (PMGs). Each of these groups is devoted to a specific area of hospital operations. Descriptions of the various PMGs can be found on this page.
Check Your Membership Status
You can renew your PMG membership or check its status on this page. You can also print a membership card from that page by clicking the printer icon "Member Card" column.
Becoming a PMG Member
Each PMG has its own process for membership. Visit the links below to learn more.
AHE (Association for the Health Care Environment)
AHRMM (Association for Health Care Resource & Materials Management)
ASHE (American Society for Health Care Engineering)
ASHRM (American Society for Health Care Risk Management)
SHSMD (Society for Healthcare Strategy and Market Development)
If you are a nursing leader, please visit AONL (American Organization for Nursing Leadership) to learn more.